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Cancel the timer


So far in this lesson you have trained a model to understand setting a timer. Another useful feature is cancelling a timer - maybe your bread is ready and can be taken out of the oven before the timer is elapsed.

Add a new intent to your LUIS app to cancel the timer. It won't need any entities, but will need some example sentences. Handle this in your serverless code if it is the top intent, logging that the intent was recognized and returning an appropriate response.


CriteriaExemplaryAdequateNeeds Improvement
Add the cancel timer intent to the LUIS appWas able to add the intent and train the modelWas able to add the intent but not train the modelWas unable to add the intent and train the model
Handle the intent in the serverless appWas able to detect the intent as the top intent and log itWas able to detect the intent as the top intentWas unable to detect the intent as the top intent