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Clean Up Your Project

Upon completing each project, it is advisable to delete your cloud resources to avoid unnecessary costs and clutter.

Throughout the lessons for each project, you may have created the following resources:

  • Resource Group
  • IoT Hub
  • IoT Device Registrations
  • Storage Account
  • Functions App
  • Azure Maps Account
  • Custom Vision Project
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Cognitive Services Resource

Most of these resources incur no cost as they are either completely free or fall under the free tier. For services requiring a paid tier, usage would typically be within the free allowance or cost only a few cents.

Despite the low costs, it is beneficial to delete these resources once you are finished. For instance, you can only have one IoT Hub under the free tier, so creating another would necessitate a paid tier.

All your services are organized within Resource Groups, simplifying management. Deleting the Resource Group will remove all services contained within it.

To delete the Resource Group, execute the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

💁 You can read more about deleting resource groups on the Azure Resource Manager resource group and resource deletion documentation on Microsoft Docs